Saturday, December 29, 2012


Joey King, the thirteen-year-old actress and star of RAMONA AND BEEZUS, made her 2013 New Year's resolutions. "Have fun, don't care what other people think and just go get them!"

Dakota Fanning "War of the Worlds"

     I finished watching (if you could call it that), the frenetic action miss-mash thriller BATTLE LOS ANGELES (2012), directed by Jonathan Liebesman. With Joey King playing the Dakota Fanning part, Aaron Eckheart stands in for Tom Cruise, and we swap out a different bunch of xenophobic aliens.  This WAR OF THE WORLDS / BLACK HAWK DOWN wanna be is about as un-entertaining and ridiculous a movie as they come.  It begins with a flurry of lame CNN style news reports about comets striking the earth (where have we heard that one before)? The aliens are attacking they're after our water and Joey King too!  This $70 million stink-fest of a movie is bad on so many levels I don't know where to begin. The cliche cardboard characters, dim-witted dialogue and herky-jerky repetitive "fast-zoom-in-close" reality camera work.  Whereas I can sympathize with the aliens for wanting Joey King, (she is after all unique to the universe), there are lots better places to look for water in the solar system than planet Earth viz. Titan or Enceldus. This isn't even a "B" movie, more like a grade "Zzz," movie and that's being generous. Poor little Joey gets precious little screen time and no dialogue, and she doesn't even get to scream her pretty little head off like Dakota Fanning. Looks  like  Joey King's  hairdresser for BATTLE LOS ANGELES interned on WAR OF THE WORLDS. Don't you just love a girl covered in mud?  Pass on this movie, no better yet run screaming!
Joey getting her ears pierced

Joey King method actress? 




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