Friday, December 14, 2012

Crazy cute Joey King

Joey King (b. 07.30.99) is an American actress  born in California and has appeared in numerous television shows including: “CSI”, “Entourage”, “Ghost Whisperer”, “Medium”, “The Suite Life” and “Avenging Angel.” Her movie credits include: “Dark Knight Rises,” “Battle Los Angeles” and the upcoming “White House Down,” where Joey plays the daughter of a secret service agent tasked with saving the president.
     Every now and then, it's nice for kids to see a genuine movie without 3D glasses, whiplash inducing scene cuts, car chases and explosions. “Ramona and Beezus,” (2010) directed by Elizabeth Allen from Beverly Cleary’s popular children's book series. The film also stars Selena Gomez and follows the miss-adventures of a third-grade girl and her older sister. A nice little G-rated *gasp* family movie that teaches some important lessons. Joey King is the best  young actress to come along in years. I’m glad someone finally had the courage to make a plesant family movie that embraces decent values for once and avoids the tiresome and overdone potty mouth jokes and ridiculously unrealistic impossible action sequences that have ruined most of the family movies recently.
      The most interesting thing about watching child stars is figuring out their potential. They've already made a mark in the entertainment industry as minors, the huge unknown is whether they can survive the storm of puberty and make it as adult actresses. Some are cute but forgettable and mere set decorations. Others are preternaturally precocious but ultimately playing themselves, and some seem great at being the wise-cracking kid but can't seem to evoke any real depth of emotions. I will always remember Jena Boyd in "The Missing."  Now that girl could cry!

      I had the pleasure of watching Miss King on the Tonight Show. The girl packs a wallop of charisma and charm for a child her age. She's smart and intelligent and a very funny little lady. With her short-cropped hair and liquid azure eyes, Joey King, exudes a special silliness more in mannerisms than anything else that is reminiscent of a pint-size Carol Channing. I hope Joey doesn't loose her personality with age.        

     Want see the absolute cutest video ever? I've watched a lot of appearances of child stars on talk shows.   Fanning never failed to disappoint. However, I have to say, I haven't seen a young girl with such charisma and charm as Joey, well, I can't remember when.  The kid just sparkles! You watch and decide if this young girl isn't the most adorable little ol' thang to come down the pike in a long while. She's so cute you just want to squeeze her!