Monday, March 12, 2012

NOW IS GOOD, First Look

NOW IS GOOD (2012) Well, it appears first out of the gate of a spate of new post-turning-eighteen Dakota Fanning movies will be the UK tear-jerker "Now is Good." A story about a girl dying of leukemia who compiles a bucket list of things she wants to do before dying. Topping the list is her desire to lose her virginity. This makes two "loosing-her-virgininty" films for Dakota Fanning, that's esenially the same the plot of "Very Good Girls," (minus the dying part) with Elizabeth Olsen. Hmm, I wonder what's on Dakota's mind these days?

     Directed by Ol Parker and co-stars Jeremy Irvine.  You may remember him from the over-wrought Steven Spielberg Christmas flop, "War Horse."  Two very different posters, I like the first one better, but the second one is probably the official poster.  "Now is Good" is scheduled for a May release.   

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