boy does she ever! I don’t read Cosmopolitan. Probably my single
most salient exposure to the torrid world of Cosmo is from a Seinfeld episode, the one where George’s
mother catches him masturbating in the living room with an issue of
Cosmopolitan. This magazine seems like a trashier more lurid version of Woman’s
Day. Instead of casseroles and how to decorate your home for a Crack’n Kwanzaa
Christmas. We are offered up a plethora of non-stop sex. Sex, sex, sex, this month’s
issue seems to be no exception.

Surprise! Dakota turns eighteen on February 23rd 2012. What an amazing marvelous
wonderful zeitgeist one month makes! Prior to February Dakota was nothing more than jail bait,
the mere lust and fantasy of frustrated ephebophiles everywhere. Apparently
eighteen makes all the difference. Open the flood gates! Do I see a Maxim spread anytime in the future? Perhaps
a bawdy revival of Oh Calcutta?
Daniel Radcliffe certainly couldn’t wait to shed his Harry Potter image and
appear naked in Equus.
I find this whole turning eighteen thing a highly specious, laughable convenient contrivance. It isn’t like a girl’s sexuality is a light-switch, off one moment and suddenly on the next. Oh, in case you haven't noticed, Dakota is a beautiful girl; do I dare say she was a beautiful girl in 2001. I knew she was a beautiful girl then and she’s grown up, blossomed to become a beautiful and sexually attractive young woman. Nothing really changes on February 23rd @ 12:01 except a few disingenuous people out there will suddenly feel a whole lot less creepy—finally free to express their pent up sexual frustration.