USA TODAY—Dakota Fanning, 14, will receive the Rising Star Award at the 20th Palm Springs International Film Festival's annual awards gala January 6 in California. Fanning stars in the movie THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES, which opens on Friday.
WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT? When the rumor first surfaced, as to Dakota being a cheerleader I'll admit, I was among the chief skeptics. It's TRUE! Home schooled through the eighth-grade, Dakota made the decision this year to attend the private UC Santa Barbara High-school, the school was willing to accommodate Dakota's special needs involving filming and promotions. Indeed, Dakota had to cut short a promotional stint of THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES on Thursday at the opening night of the 31st annual Mill Valley Film Festival. She had to catch a flight back to Los Angeles so that she could be back in class on Friday as she had a game on Friday night. Where Dakota is a member of the Varsity cheer leading squad where she is a "flyer." I think it’s fantastic that Dakota has the opportunity to pursue a normal life. Three cheers for Dakota for the humility, unpretentiousness, déclassé, to just want to be an ordinary kid . . . To go to high-School, to do what every other kid in America does in high-school. Be a cheerleader, join the drama club, hot lunch, homecoming, run track. Go Vikings! As always, I am forever indebted to my friend Marcela at LOVELY DAKOTA.