Saturday, March 15, 2008

"HOUNDDOG" Promo reel

HERE'S THE LIINK to the "HOUNDDOG" promo reel from Empire film group. This trailer is quite extensive and consists of numerous clips throughout the whole movie. You can really get a sense of what the movie will be like. Dakota is outstanding I say this without prejudice. This little girl has range! Her singing ability is entirely credible without any pretentiousness or pro- fessional polish . . . Exactly the kind voice you might expect from a twelve-year-old girl singing the blues. I genuinely think once people get a chance to see Dakota in this movie; people will wonder what “All the fuss was about?”
After HD, all the Dakota naysayers and detractors will finally be put to rest. The specious assertion that "She always plays a smart alleck kid." That "All she does is scream," in “WAR OF THE WORLDS," is finally discredited. Make no mistake about it this is Dakota's movie. She gets top billing and carries every scene.
With “WINGED CREATURES,” “PUSH” and “HOUNDDOG,” 2008 is destined to be the year of Dakota!

Dakota Fanning as Lewellen
in "HOUNDDOG," (2007).

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