Wednesday, November 14, 2007

"HOUNDDOG" Final edit finished

LOS ANGELES, CA―(BUSINESS WIRE) The Motion Picture Group, Inc. (Pink Sheets: MPRG), a film and entertainment financing and production company, announced today that it has completed the final edit of the feature film “HOUNDDOG” and is ready to screen it for distributors with the intention of completing a sale.

Director, Deborah Kampmeier, stated, “The making of this film has been an extraordinary journey and I am grateful to The Motion Picture Group for putting their full support behind me. Having the opportunity and time to properly finish the film, without the pressure and rush of festival deadlines, has led to the ultimate reward. Our new cut is stunning. We are proud to be bringing our best work out into the world.”

Scott Franklin, Executive Producer of the film and CEO of The Motion Picture Group, added, “It has been a long and arduous process getting the film to a place where we are all so extremely happy with it. We are confident in its potential and now look forward to taking it to the market for distribution.”

About the Film:
HOUNDDOG," a drama set in the 1950s American South, is about a troubled 12-year old girl (Dakota Fanning) who finds solace from an abusive life in the music of Elvis Presley. Presley’s music is placed strategically throughout the film, creating a mural of a melancholy life that finds its release and healing through singing the Blues.


  1. Anonymous6:33 AM

    I hope they find a distributor for this movie. Even though I heard it isn't all that great of a movie, Dakota is supposed to be really good in it.

  2. Anonymous4:06 PM

    What hapened to all the outcry? The rage and indignation? The weeping and gnashing of teeth? Gone. They've moved on to the next thing to be outraged about...perhaps Britney's parenting skills. It just goes to show that the outrage really wasn't so much about the film as much as it was the latest thing to grab headlines and stir controversy, to scream and yell and call for a Congressional invetigation (or perhaps the newest thing: a Constitutional amendment banning it!). Next.


  3. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Hannity and Colmes are busy I guess.

    Once a studio agrees to distribute, we look forward to a spring 2008 release. Of course, Dak also has PUSH, CORALINE, and WINGED CREATURES slated for '08 so brace yourself for the hue and cry of "DAKOTA FANNING IS IN EVERYTHING."
